Bishop Cullinan expresses his sympathy on deaths of Gilbert Collins and Abuzwa Idris RIP

01 Jul 2024

Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan, Bishop of Waterford & Lismore (Catholic Communications Office archive)

“As we hear the tragic news of the deaths of Gilbert Collins and Abuzwa Idris, our hearts are heavy with sorrow for the families and loved ones of these two young souls.  The loss of such promising lives in a sudden and senseless incident is a profound tragedy that has deeply shaken our community.

“I offer my deepest condolences to the families of Gilbert and Abuzwa during this incredibly difficult time.  No words can adequately express the pain and grief that accompanies the untimely passing of beloved individuals, especially when they are so young and full of potential.

“In times like these, it is important for us to come together as a community to support one another, to offer comfort and solace to those who are mourning, and to reflect on the fragility of life.  Let us cherish every moment we have with our loved ones, and strive to create a safer environment for all members of our community.

“May Gilbert and Abuzwa rest in peace, and may their memories be forever cherished in our hearts.”

  • Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan is Bishop of Waterford & Lismore