29 June 2008
Cardinal Seán Brady’s homily at the Episcopal Ordination of Monsignor Noel Treanor as the new Bishop of Down and Connor at St Peter’s Cathedral, Belfast
Here today in Belfast we are living another such solemn and dignified moment as Bishop Patrick Walsh hands over responsibility for the pastoral care of this great diocese of Down and Connor to his successor, Bishop-Elect, Noel Treanor.
It is indeed a weighty responsibility that is being entrusted to the new Bishop by the Holy Spirit. It is a task of being a teacher of doctrine, a priest of sacred worship and a minister of governance for a diocese of some 300,000 people. As Bishop Walsh retires from office I want today to thank God for his 52 years of outstanding priestly service and especially for the past twenty-five years – when, as bishop, he served the people of this diocese superbly, with extraordinary love and dedication. Bishop Paddy, I wish you many years of health and happiness as you begin this more contemplative chapter of your life. With St. Paul in today’s Second Reading, you too can say: ‘I have fought the good fight. I have run the race to the finish’.
A recent document from the Congregation of Bishops in Rome notes that there are about 1,150 retired bishops in the Church whom it describes as important members of the College of Bishops, each one with his own valuable personal spiritual patrimony. That document expresses the wish – which I gladly make my own for you, Bishop Paddy – that you live this new season of your ministry as a Bishop of the Church of Christ with faith and joy.
Despite the heading in yesterday’s Irish News, I can easily imagine that as an incoming Bishop, crossing the border, returning to Ireland you, Noel, are at this moment, just a little anxious and somewhat overawed. I know that I certainly was in such a state thirteen years ago when I made a similar sort of journey in circumstances that were not very different. I can assure you straightaway that you have no need to worry. “Do not be afraid”. For a start you can count on the advice and support of two very wise predecessors in Cardinal Daly and Bishop Walsh living within the confines of this diocese. You can rely too on the co-operation of two excellent auxiliaries, Bishop Tony Farquhar and Bishop Donal McKeown. I reckon that between all of them they have a total of 98 years experience of working as bishops. I think that if you put your heads together you will find the answer to most problems.
That is not all. I can assure you that you will have the fervent prayers and loyal assistance of a wonderful group of priests and religious as well as the enthusiastic support of thousands of good and generous and faith-filled laity.
Noel, I wonder did the figure of Columbanus cross your mind in recent times at all. He was born in Leinster where you studied philosophy and theology for a number of years in Maynooth. Columbanus then moved north to Lough Erne, a district well known to you from your days in parish work in Enniskillen. Then both of you emigrated to the continent of Europe to work in various countries such as Italy, France and Belgium but, of course, Columbanus first spent some time in Bangor in this diocese. He was a wise man.
I imagine that you would have derived a lot of encouragement from the praise lavished on St. Columbanus by Pope Benedict XVI in the General Audience of Wednesday, 11 June last. On that occasion, Pope Benedict described St Columbanus as one of the true fathers of Europe through his work of nourishing the Christian roots of the continent. St Columbanus was aware of the cultural unity of Europe. With his spiritual energy, the Pope continues, with his faith, with his love for God and for his neighbour, Columbanus truly became one of the Fathers of Europe. Columbanus shows us, even today, the roots from which our Europe can be reborn.
Noel, as you well know, there are Christian roots on this island that are in constant need of nourishing. I am confident that your own vast experience of living and working in Europe will have an important contribution to make to that nourishing. Your work on the international scene, in defence of life, in support of family, in promoting ecumenical relations, will prove invaluable to you in the years that lie ahead.
In that respect I would like to include also St. Malachy, former bishop of this diocese and also Archbishop of Armagh. Malachy is credited with getting the Pallia for the Archbishops of Ireland for the first time. But he also introduced the Cistercians and Augustinian monks, as agents of monastic reform, into the Irish Church which was an important development for the life of the Church at that time. It showed that Ireland, as well as sending missionaries to Europe, also in return, received help from Europe in times of need, in the form of new initiatives and new ideas. In these post-Lisbon Treaty Referendum days it could be salutary for all of us to reflect on that European help and to consider what help we might accept today.
In his Encyclical on hope – Spe Salvi – Pope Benedict tells us that: “Life is like a voyage on the sea of history, often dark and stormy, a voyage in which we watch for stars that indicate the route”. The life of a bishop is no different. At times his life can be dark and stormy.
But, as the Pope continues, the true stars of our life are the people who have lived good lives in the past, such as the saints – Peter and Paul, Columbanus, Macartan, Malachy. There are also the stars of the present – the people in every parish who overcome many and huge difficulties to continue to live good, faithful, often heroic lives. They are the real lights of hope in the life of a bishop. Yes, of course, Jesus Christ is the true light – the sun that has risen above all the shadows of history – and we must remain close to him at all times. If we do so we will find, as with St Paul, that ‘The Lord stood by me and gave me power’. But, to reach Him, we also need lights close by – people who shine with His life and so guide us along our way. Thanks be to God those lights are to be found and can be found in abundance.
Every bishop has to take up the task of preaching, sanctifying and governing. The work of preaching of the faith is to lead new disciples to Christ. This may be primarily missionary work but increasingly it concerns those who are nominally Christian. All of this involves a call to our own personal holiness. Before we can think of leading anyone to Christ we ourselves must know the way. The Second Vatican Council put it well when it stated: ‘By the example of the manner of their life, bishops must be an influence for good on those over whom they preside. The goal of everything that we do as bishop is that all may walk in goodness, justice and truth’ (Ephesians 5:9).
Throughout many of these documents there is an emphasis on the need for clarity, humility and simplicity of life style. The role of bishop as father and pastor is underlined. He is to be one who serves particularly but not exclusively, in his relations to priests and religious. He is someone who gets to know people. Relations with our separated brethren and with civic authorities are particularly important for him. All who know the new bishop of Down and Connor and of his work with bodies like KEK and COMECE, will realise his great giftedness in all of these areas.
In his first letter to Timothy, St Paul made this powerful appeal: I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for all men….for there is one God and there is one mediator between God and man – the man Christ Jesus.
I make that appeal to all of you and through all of you, to the people in this diocese. I urge the supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for Bishop Elect, Noel Treanor and I am confident that this appeal will be heeded.
+ Seán Brady
Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland
Further information:
Martin Long, Director of Communications (086 172 7678)
Brenda Drumm, Communications Officer (087 233 7797)
Fr John McManus, Media Liaison Officer for the Diocese of Down and Connor (0044) (0) 78 111 44268
Notes to Editors:
- The Primate of All Ireland, Cardinal Sean Brady, was the Principal Consecrator at the Ordination Mass, assisted by Bishop Patrick Walsh, Bishop Emeritus of Down and Connor; and Bishop Joseph Duffy, Bishop of Clogher, Monsignor Treanor’s native diocese.
- The Mass was concelebrated by a number of Irish and other European Bishops in the presence of:
His Eminence Cahal Brendan Cardinal Daly, Archbishop Emeritus of Armagh.
His Eminence, Desmond Cardinal Connell, Archbishop Emeritus of Dublin
His Eminence, Keith Patrick Cardinal O’Brien, Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh.
His Excellency Archbishop Giuseppe Leanza, The Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland
His Excellency, Archbishop André Pierre Louis Dupuy, The Apostolic Nuncio to the European Community.
His Excellency, Archbishop Faustino Sainz Munoz, The Apostolic Nuncio to Great Britain
- Representatives from the other Churches were in attendance at the Ordination Mass.
- Public Representatives in attendance were:
Her Excellency, Mary McAleese, President of Ireland
Lord Lieutenant for City of Belfast, Lady Carswell
Lord Mayor, Councillor Tom Hartley
Mr Gerry Kelly, MLA, Junior Minister, Representing the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister
Mr Brendan Smith, T.D., Representing the Irish Government
His Excellency, Mr Noel Fahey, Ambassador of Ireland to the Holy See
His Excellency Mr Francis Campbell, British Ambassador to the Holy See
Also various other dignitaries, Members of Parliament and Civil Servants and colleagues from the Secretariat of COMECE (Commission for European Episcopal Conferences) and the offices of the various Christian Churches in Brussels and friends from across Europe.
- Members of the new Bishop’s family:
Monsignor Treanor, a native of Tyholland, Co Monaghan, is a son of the late John and Molly Treanor, R.I.P. Attending the ceremony were his brother, John and his sister, Mary, their respective spouses Margaret and Jim and his nieces and nephew and grand-niece. Also in attendance were his aunts, Molly McAllister and Josephine Finlay, his uncle Patrick Treanor, and his cousins and relatives, including some from California.
- The priests and religious of the Diocese attended the ordination Mass, as did the priests from Monsignor Treanor’s native Diocese of Clogher.
- The local Church in Down and Connor was represented by lay people from every parish and representatives of the various diocesan organisations.
- The new Bishop will be responsible for the pastoral and spiritual leadership of Ireland’s second most populous diocese, which stretches from Rathlin Island to Carlingford Lough.
- Down and Connor has over 330,000 Catholics in 88 parishes, served by 200 priests.
Biographical Details of Bishop-Elect, Noel Treanor
Monsignor Noel Treanor was born on 25th December 1950 at Silverstream, Co. Monaghan, in the Parish of Tyholland in the Diocese of Clogher.
He attended St. Brigid’s National School, Leitrim, and completed his early education at St. Mary’s C.B.S., Monaghan. He began in 1968 his study of Arts and Philosophy at St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, and later, in 1971, the study of Theology, achieving his Licence in Sacred theology, with special commendation, in 1977.
Ordained priest in 1976 in the Cathedral of St. Macartan, Clogher Diocese, he was sent by his Bishop to the Irish College in Rome to pursue his studies of theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University. Recalled in 1980 by the new Bishop of the diocese, Most Rev. Joseph Duffy, he was appointed assistant in the Cathedral parish, with charge of the local Catholic Marriage Advisory Council.
From 1981 to 1985 he again pursued the study of theology in Rome, while at the same time serving as Prefect of studies at the Irish College.
Having returned to his Diocese in 1985, he was appointed Director of Adult Education. He also organised the Diocesan Assembly of the clergy that was held in 1986 to promote pastoral renewal within the Diocese.
His next appointment was a curacy in Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh, where he also provided pastoral care at the general hospital and was active as confessor at Lough Derg pilgrimage centre.
In 1989 he was sent to Brussels to work with COMECE. While deeply involved in the expanding endeavour of this Church body to project Christian values into the European process, he has continued to engage in pastoral work through contact with the English-speaking community in the city centre. He has also published and lectured widely on European construction issues, the Church and Europe, and Church-State matters.
On 31st March 1993 he was unanimously appointed Secretary General of COMECE for a three-year term and has been reappointed for several successive terms since then.
On 18th May 1994 he was nominated Chaplain to His Holiness.