Address by Bishop Éamonn Walsh, President of Cura

08 Mar 2013

Cura Conference 2013

Bishop John Buckley, Louise Graham and Bishop Eamonn Walsh, pictured at the Cutra Conference

Silver Springs Hotel, Cork.  Conference theme for 2013: ‘The Holding Space’

“Cura has continued to evolve and develop in response to the challenges of the changing needs of society by provision of a range of support services in a professional manner while at all times remaining true to its Catholic ethos and values” – Bishop Walsh

I would like to welcome Bishop John Buckley, Bishop of Cork & Ross and Bishop William Crean, Bishop of Cloyne who are representing the Bishops’ Conference at this 27th annual conference for Cura.  I wish also to acknowledge Ms Pat McTiernan and representatives of the National Executive of Cura; as well as Cura counsellors from around the country; Dr Kevin Kelleher, HSE, Assistant National Director for Health Protection; and Ms Sarah Ryan, Acting Director of the Crisis Pregnancy Agency; and to all our guests who have gathered here this evening.

To begin, could I pay tribute to Bishop Gerard Clifford, President of Cura until September 2012, who recently retired as President of Cura on health grounds.  Bishop Clifford journeyed with Cura, both in calm and stormy waters.  Throughout his term he enjoyed the respect of all for his integrity, dedication and deep lived faith that constantly inspired the members of Cura.  Bishop Clifford sends his warmest greeting to you all.

I am delighted to be here as part of the official opening of Cura’s annual conference and to mark the 35th Anniversary of Cura Cork and look forward to my role as President of Cura.

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the work of counsellors.  Cura counsellors work on a voluntary basis and provide Cura services on a daily basis throughout the country while being responsible for the management of the work of Cura at local, regional and national levels.

Since its establishment in 1977 Cura has reached out to thousands of women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and also provided support to their families.

Cura has continued to evolve and develop in response to the challenges of the changing needs of society by provision of a range of support services in a professional manner while at all times remaining true to its Catholic ethos and values.

Cura is blessed with its staff and volunteer counsellors.  You are the person of Christ at the end of the phone and when people come to you in states of confusion and fear, amidst every emotion and complexity of thought.  You walk with them into their unknown.  You untangle the knots and allow people find for themselves the way forward, step by step.  Gradually the clouds lift so that they can feel the warmth of the sun again.

Louise Graham, the National Co-Ordinator of Cura will outline in detail the work of Cura which is sometimes unknown to the general public.  We are blessed in you, Louise.

Cura ensures that there is room at the Inn for every child.  It does all that it can to enrich the earliest month and years of parents and child so that the inner goodness of child and parent can find fullest expression.  The door of Cura is always open to anyone needing to avail of the services at any time during their pregnancy and thereafter.  New ways of living the Spirit of Cura are constantly emerging; we will keep the doors open.


For media contact: Noreen Keane, Cura PRO, 00353 (0)87 7781777 or [email protected] and/or the Catholic Communications Office, Maynooth: Martin Long 00353 (0) 86 172 7678