The Cross is the luminous pinnacle of the love of God that safeguards us. We too are called to be guardians through love. This is the theme of the meditations of the 14 Stations of the Via Crucis, over which Pope Francis will preside at the Colosseum on Good Friday evening, 3 April.
The author of the meditations is H.E. Renato Corti, Bishop emeritus of Novara, who emphasizes in the introductory note that the Via Crucis 2015 will make continual reference “to the gift of being safeguarded by God’s love, especially by Jesus Crucified, and to the task of being, in our turn, guardiansthrough love of the whole of Creation, of each person, especially of the poorest, of ourselves and our families, so as to make the star of hope shine”.
“We wish to participate in this Via Crucis in profound communion with Jesus”, the Bishop writes. While remaining “attentive to what is written in the Gospels”, the meditations will discreetly include “some of the sentiments and thoughtswhich may have dwelt in Jesus’ mind and heart in those trying hours. At the same time we will allow ourselves to be challenged by some of the realities of life which – for better or worse – characterize our days”. Thus we will express “our will to emulate a few of the steps of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ”.
Click here for the full text of the Way of the Cross Meditations.