Information for media on the funeral liturgy for the late Adedamola Adetosoye RIP

22 Jul 2017

At 11.00am this morning the Funeral Mass for the late Adedamola Adetosoye RIP will be celebrated in Saint Mel’s Cathedral, Longford. Bishop Francis Duffy, Bishop of Ardagh & Clonmacnois, will preside at the Mass and the chief celebrant will be Father Joseph Okere CC. Please see below information on the funeral liturgy:

Chief Mourners
Parents Helen and Adekunle, siblings Victor, Aaron, Mercy and Sharon.

Father Okere will welcome the congregation and introduce the liturgy.

Presentation of symbols
Many of Adedamola’s friends and school-mates from Templemichael College, Longford, will attend the Mass. The Presentation of the gifts and symbols will be undertaken by Adedamola’s friends. Clement Ogundare will explain what each represents:

1] The bread will be carried by Stephen Ayodele and wine by Dean Briody. The bread and wine represents the body and blood of Christ
2] Book will be brought forth by John Victor; it represents Damola’s academic ability and his studies in Templemichael College
3] Photograph of the team will be held by Gino De Silva; it represents his commitment to his team and to the GAA football club
4] Football trophy will be presented by Gregory Gino; it represents the latest victory, the Foroige Blanchardstown World cup
5] Attic and Melview Jersey which will represent his skill and talent as a member of the football team, and this will be presented by Mario Pirlog
6] Hat which represents Adedamola’s personal style was presented by Chole Feeney
7] Headphones will be brought forth by Kelsey Mitchell; representing Adedamola’s love of music

The music for today’s liturgy will be led by Corinne McCormack and Fintan Farrelly. It will feature liturgical songs that Damola loved. These include:

Entrance – Here I am Lord

Responsorial Psalm (by Corrinne) – May your love be upon us O Lord, as we place all our hope in you

OffertoryI have loved you with an everlasting love

CommunionVoice of an angel, Yahweh I know you are here, Oh the Love of my Lord is the essence

RecessionalYou are mine

First Reading (will be read by Aaron, Adedamola’s brother) A reading from the prophet Isaiah 25:6a, 7-8b
On this mountain, the Lord of host will provide for all His peoples.
On this mountain, He will destroy the veil that veils all peoples, the web that is woven over all nations.
He will destroy death forever
The Lord God will wipe away the tears from all faces.
V/ The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God

Second Reading (will be read by Victor, Adedamola’s brother) A reading from the first letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians 15:20-28
Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of all who have fallen asleep. Death came through one man and in the same way the resurrection of the dead has come through one man. Just as all humans died in Adam, so all people will be brought to life in Christ; but all of them in their proper order. Christ as the first fruits and then, after the coming of Christ, those who belong to him.
V/ The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God

God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son; everyone who believes in Him has eternal life.

Gospel (Father Okere) A reading from the holy gospel according to Mark 10:1316
And people were bringing children to Jesus that He might touch them; and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw what was happening, He was indignant and said to them, “Let the little ones come to me, do not hinder them; for to such belongs the Kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And He took them in his arms and blessed them, laying His hands upon them.
The Gospel of the Lord

Homily (will be preached by Father Okere)
When the life of a child or young person [as in this case] ends prematurely, one of the major causes of grief is that inclination to think or speak as if everything that was important about that person lay in his/her future, as such we are sad because the future will never be. We all would love to know what the future held for that person. But it is erroneous to think that way for two reasons:

(i) as Christians, we do not believe in annihilation, we believe in life after death – as the second reading tells us – and that life is not only his future, but our future. Death is not the end in itself but a means to that future with God in heaven. So Damola still lives, still has his future; and it is only if we miss that future with God that we are truly dead and truly lost forever. And this is what Jesus wants to prevent, that is why He said in our gospel, “let the little ones come to me, for the kingdom of God belong to such as these,” [Mk.10:14]. So I wish to avail of this time to say our young ones: God loves you; God wants to be part of your life. I also wish to respectfully urge our parents to heed Jesus’ call and to encourage these, our children, to come to God, show them the path of life, the fullness of joy in God’s presence [Ps.16:11], bring them to God with whom their future lies; and,

(ii) while it is true that Damola’s life has scarcely started, nevertheless it had started already and he has given us 17 golden years of memories of joy, love, and life. It is not so much about the future rather it is about each day and how we live each day to the full. We do not judge a life by how long it is but by how well it was lived. Children understand this, that is why they are so free, spirited, boisterous, always themselves, enjoying what life has to offer today. They tend to pack an awful lot of living into a single day. And such was the life of Damola, who died while living the life. It reminds me of the words of Jesus in Jn.10:10b “I came that they may have life and have it to the full.” Damola reminds us that we cannot guarantee how long we will live, but that each day we live is God’s gift, and we should live it to the full.

We are thankful to God for the gift Damola was to all of us, what he has taught us, and we now bid him farewell as he makes his return to God.

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord ……

Prayer of the Faithful – led by Adedamola’s friends: Dan Beya Yakonzi, James Lennon Kirwan, Olivia Lisle, Alan Fahy, Chris Maleka and Jack King Zoe Peert.
Father Okere: Let us now pray with confidence in the Lord who showed in word and deed that the young ones are precious to Him:

1] Let us pray that Christ may welcome Damola into the Kingdom of God which belongs to the little one; (Pause)……..Lord hear us
2] As a child, Damola thirsted for life here on earth, may he now enjoy the fullness of life in heaven; (Pause)……..Lord hear us
3] Let us pray for Damola’s parents, family and friends, that they may be consoled in the knowledge that as they cherished him in life, God will cherish him in death; (Pause)…….Lord hear us
4] Let us pray that we may all treasure the fragile gift of life which God has given us……Lord hear us
5] We pray for all other intentions and needs of our hearts; (Pause)……..Lord hear us
6] We now ask Our Lady, the help of Christians to intercede for us: Hail Mary
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord
And let Thy perpetual light shine on Him,
May His soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace

God of power and love, in Christ you have shown us how much you love us. Write the name of Adedamola in the book of life and grant him a place in your kingdom of light and peace, we ask this through Christ our Lord.

Communion reflection will be delivered by Eric Osa
Eulogy and expression of gratitude by parents: Kunle and Helen Adetosoye
Father Joseph will convey his appreciation to everyone who attended the Funeral Mass and who offered support to Adedamola’s family at this very sad time: including from the local Longford parish, from Templemichael College (principal Sorcha Nic Dhonnacha, teachers, and students), the Attic group, the African community in Longford, the GAA football (team which Damola was a part), An Garda Síochána, Peter Kelly Funeral Home, and to Bishop Duffy and clergy from within and without the Diocese of Ardagh & Clonmacnois.

Final Commendation
The Mass will conclude with the prayers of the final commendation. This will involve incensing of the coffin, blessing with holy water and the final prayers. Hymns and music will accompany the family and congregation as the remains of Adedamola Adetosoye will be carried to the place of committal in Ballymacormack Cemetery.


For media contact: Catholic Communications Office, Maynooth: Martin Long 00353 (0) 86 172 7678