“The death of Dolores O’Riordan is such a sad loss of a young and precious life. Millions across the world have been shocked by this sad news but first and foremost I think of her family. Way beyond anything else, this is the passing of a loving mother, daughter and sister. This is a family that will grieve deeply for Dolores in the same as others who lose loved ones. It starts and ends with them.
“Of course she was a superstar and an inspiration to so many people, not least from Limerick. She grew up in Ballybricken, which is actually in the Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly, but Limerick city, all of Limerick, held her very dear in its heart. Her rise to stardom gave a huge amount of belief to young people locally at the time. She was a true child of Limerick; talented, honest, full of soul and courageous. And she never lost sight of who she was and where she was from.
“She also often spoke about her spirituality and how important that was too her and, of course, she met Pope John Paull II. She spoke of taking a lot of influence for her music from her spirituality. Limerick and the world has lost a kind, soft-hearted, talented soul. May she rest in peace.”
- Bishop Brendan Leahy is Bishop of Limerick.