I warmly welcome today’s appointment by the Holy Father Pope Francis of Canon Tom Deenihan of the Diocese of Cork & Ross as the Bishop of Meath.
I can assure Canon Tom that he will receive a warm welcome in the Diocese of Meath, where it has been my privilege to serve as Bishop among the priests, religious and lay people.
I believe his appointment will greatly benefit the Church in the Diocese of Meath and will also contribute significantly to the work of the Irish Episcopal Conference and its commissions and agencies.
I offer my prayerful good wishes to Canon Tom and to the members of his family. I pray God’s blessing on him as he takes up this new ministry and I assure him of my prayers.
For media contact: Catholic Communications Office Maynooth: Martin Long 00353 (0) 86 172 7678 and Emma Sisk 00353 (0) 86 145 6694