Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly SMA announces clerical appointments for the Archdiocese of Cashel & Emly

16 Jul 2018

Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly SMA has today issued the following Diocesan Clerical Appointments for 2018.  These appointments will take effect from Saturday 18 August 2018:

1. Very Rev John McGrath, PP Mullinahone, to be AP Cashel & Rosegreen, resident in Rosegreen

2. Rt Rev Mgr Christy O’Dwyer, PP, VG, Cashel & Rosegreen to be AP Templetuohy & Moyne, resident in Moyne and continuing as Vicar General of the Archdiocese

3. Very Rev John Beatty, PP Anacarty & Donohill, to be AP Tipperary Town

4. Very Rev Edmond V O’Rahelly, PP, Ballina & Boher to be AP Ballina & Boher

5. Very Rev Liam Holmes, PP, Knockaney & Patrickswell to retire

6. Very Rev James Kennedy, Adm. Templetuohy & Moyne, to be PP Anacarty & Donohil

7. Rev Fr Enda Brady, CC, Cashel & Rosegreen to be PP Cashel & Rosegreen

8. Rev Fr Thomas Lanigan-Ryan, CC, Tipperary Town to be PP Ballina & Boher

9. Rev Fr Edward Cleary, CC, Hospital & Herbertstown to be PP Knockaney & Patrickswell

10. Rev Fr Daniel O’Gorman, CC, Killenaule & Moyglass to be PP Mullinahone


  • Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly is Archbishop of Cashel & Emly.

For media contact: Catholic Communications Office Maynooth: Martin Long 00353 (0) 86 172 7678 and Katie Crosby 00353 (0) 86 862 3298