Bishop Larry Duffy pays tribute to the Archbishop Noël Treanor RIP

12 Aug 2024

Like everyone else, I was deeply shocked and saddened when I got a call yesterday afternoon to inform me of the sudden death of Archbishop Noël in Brussels.  His passing leaves a huge void in the life of the Church at European level and in its engagement with questions of diplomacy, social justice and peace.  His sharp intellect, his linguistic gifts and his insights into the development of both the Church and European society will be missed.

Along with Canon Michael Daly, I had the privilege of being ordained to the Priesthood alongside Archbishop Noël on 13 June 1976 by the late Bishop Patrick Mulligan.  When I became Bishop of Clogher in 2019, Archbishop Noël welcomed me into the Episcopal Conference and, as I had not been a student in Maynooth, he ensured that I became familiar with all the different places and aspects of the place. In keeping with his deep Christin faith, he was always genial and kind.

Archbishop Noël was very proud of his roots in County Monaghan and, in particular, his native parish of Tyholland.  He loved its history and seized any opportunity to research aspects of it and to speak about it. Recently, he undertook research work on a fellow Tyholland native priest, the late Dr Francis Lennon, Professor of Natural Philosophy in Maynooth from 1864 to 1911.

Although Archbishop Noël spent the most of his priestly ministry outside the diocese, his time in both Monaghan and Enniskillen parishes, including his work as a hospital chaplain, is remembered fondly.  So too his contribution to ministry on Lough Derg, to Adult Faith Education and as one of the Secretaries to the Assembly of Clergy in 1986.  He truly believed that the Church as the People of God must involve, listen to and activate all its members in the journey of faith.  We can learn from Archbishop Noël’s strong belief that the synodal journey is not a short one but one that will have to take time.

On my own behalf, of behalf of his great friend and mentor Bishop Joseph Duffy and on behalf of all the clergy, religious and faithful of the Diocese of Clogher, I extend sincere sympathy to his brother John, his sister Mary and the wider family circle, assuring them of our prayers and spiritual support at this sad time.

May the Risen Lord, receive him into the fullness of God’s eternal presence.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dilís.


Bishop Larry Duffy is Bishop of Clogher.