Extended opening hours today and tomorrow for the Towards Healing counselling service

12 May 2014

Towards Healing, the free confidential and counselling referral service, will provide extended opening hours today and tomorrow in response to the publication today of nine reviews of dioceses and religious congregations.  These reviews have been undertaken by the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church.

The Towards Healing extended opening hours are: 8.00pm to 1.00am today, Monday 12 May, and tomorrow Tuesday 13 May 2014.  The Towards Healing telephone helpline operates normally from Mondays to Thursdays, from 11.00am to 8.00pm, and on Friday’s from 11.00am to 6.00pm.

Towards Healing can be contacted on Freephone 1800 303416 (Rep of Ireland) Freephone 0800 0963315 (Northern Ireland and UK).  There is a mobile number for texting purposes for our hearing impaired service users only: 085-8022859.


Notes for Editors

  • Towards Healing, the counselling and support service for survivors of institutional, clerical and religious abuse, is funded by the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference, the Conference of Religious of Ireland and the Irish Missionary Union.  The service is provided by lay, independent fully accredited therapists.  Towards Healing offers:

–          Helpline support

–          Counselling

–          Psych-Educational Group Work

–          Practical Workshops

–          Restorative justice / facilitated listening meetings

–          Advocacy

  • Towards Healing contacts: Michael Lyons, Chief Executive – 00353 (0) 87 213 2000, Melissa Dermody, Clinical Director –  00353 (0) 86 1535 247  Catholic Communications Office 00353 (01) 505 3017