Archbishop Eamon Martin pays tribute to Brian Friel RIP

02 Oct 2015

It is with a great sense of sadness that I learned of the death today of the incomparable Brian Friel.  Generosity and modesty were the hallmark of this great Irishman, who never strayed far from his roots.

During my time as President of Saint Columb’s College in Derry, I had contact with Brian on a number of occasions, he being a most distinguished past pupil of the college.  He was genuinely interested in the students’ progress and especially supportive with regard to the development of their literary skills.

Brian Friel’s many achievements, nationally and internationally, are too numerous to mention and his legacy is a truly great one. We are all honoured to have had him in our midst.

My prayers today are with his beloved wife Anne, and children Mary, Sally, Judy and David.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis.

+Eamon Martin
Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland



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