Conference on John Henry Newman

14 Nov 2001

Conference on John Henry Newman

Conference on John Henry Newman

The Conference opens on the morning of Saturday 24th November at the Milltown Institute, Sandford Road, Dublin 6 and continues on Sunday 25th November at Newman House and University Church, St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2. Most Rev Philip Boyce will be the homilist at University Church at the 12 noon Eucharist on Sunday 25th.

Speakers at the Conference include: Mr Dick Dunne, Newman Society of Ireland; Enda McDonagh DD, St Patrick’s College, Maynooth; Dr Eileen Kane PhD, University College Dublin and Michael Paul Gallagher SJ PhD, Gregorian University, Rome.

Further information and booking forms are available from the Newman Conference Secretary, Milltown Institute, Dublin 6. Tel: (01) 269 8388 ext 213 or Email:


14 November 2001

Issued by the Catholic Communications Office on behalf of the Newman Conference Secretary, Milltown Institute, Dublin 6

Further information:
Newman Conference Secretary
Milltown Institute, Dublin 6
Tel: (01) 269 8388 ext 213