Bishop Brendan Leahy comments as Dolores O’Riordan lays in repose

21 Jan 2018

Bishop Leahy thanks Dolores O’Riordan’s family for moving gesture

Bishop of Limerick Brendan Leahy today thanked the family of Dolores O’Riordan for affording the people of Limerick and beyond the opportunity to pay their respects to her today at St. Joseph’s Church in the city.

Ahead of her funeral tomorrow and Tuesday, the family of the Ballybricken woman arranged for her remains to lay in repose today at the same church in Limerick city where she made her First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Bishop Leahy was on hand with administrator of St. Joseph’s Parish Oliver Plunkett to receive Dolores remains at the Church at midday and meet with her mother Eileen and other family members who attended.

Speaking afterwards he said: “It was a very moving to be here, to see the generosity of Dolores’ mother Eileen and other family members not alone in providing this opportunity ahead of the funeral for the public to pay their respects but for being there also.

“Dolores had great spirituality and having met her mother today, it’s easy see why. She is taking a lot of strength from her faith at this difficult time and is a remarkable woman.”

Thousands of people are filing past the Limerick woman’s coffin this afternoon to pay their respects. Addressing the large congregation at the outset, Bishop Leahy said: “In blessing the remains of Dolores O’Riordan here in St. Joseph’s Church in Limerick today, I am conscious that, while millions across the world have been shocked by the sad news of her death, today is Limerick’s public moment to bid farewell.

“We come to offer a heartfelt greeting to a deeply loved and cherished daughter of Limerick, a talented representative of the potential of Limerick people and a convinced advocate of living life in truth, love and peace.

“As we file pass her coffin, let’s remember God’s love and mercy and pray for her, her family and those she loved and helped in life.
Dolores appreciated the value of spirituality in our lives. She made her First Communion in this church and was confirmed here. She attended the nearby An Mhodh Scoil (Model School) and Laurel Hill Coláiste FCJ school. Her spiritual journey continued in many parts of our world, and yet Dolores remained anchored in Limerick. We can be grateful to Dolores’ family for choosing this beautiful church as a venue for her lying in repose.

“Today as the Limerick people she greatly loved come to pay their respects, let us pray for Dolores: ‘May the angels lead you into paradise; and take you to the holy city, the new and eternal Jerusalem, where there will be no more tears, no more death or pain, for the time of heavenly singing has come’.”
