- Publication of programme for the WMOF2018 Pastoral Congress
The World Meeting of Families 2018 will take place in Ireland from 21 – 26 August next. Pope Francis will make a pastoral visit to the WMOF2018 on 25 and 26 August. You, or a representative, are invited to attend a media briefing and photocall to mark the publication by the Holy See of Pope Francis’ itinerary, and for details of the WMOF2018 programme for its Pastoral Congress which will take place in the RDS from 22 to 24 August. Details:
Date and time Monday 11 June 2018 at 10.30am
Venue Outside the offices of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference at the Columba Centre, Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Co Kildare
In attendance Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, President and host of WMOF2018; Archbishop Eamon Martin, President of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference; Father Timothy Bartlett, Secretary General of WMOF2018; and WMOF2018 volunteers.
Dublin, Ireland, has been chosen by Pope Francis to host the 9th World Meeting of Families from 21 to 26 August 2018, guided by the theme “The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World”. Held every three years this major international faith event brings together families from across the world to celebrate, pray and reflect upon the central importance of marriage and the family as the cornerstone of our lives, of society and of the Church. In August WMOF2018 will involve the following key moments:
– Firstly, a National Opening of World Meeting of Families will take place simultaneously in the twenty-six dioceses on the island of Ireland on Tuesday 21 August;
– Secondly, from 22 to 24 August, a three-dayPastoral Congress will take place in the RDS, Dublin. This will entail a joyful and reflective programme of workshops, talks and discussions on the theme: ‘The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World’. The Congress will also offer an engaging programme for young people to include faith and fun activities for children;
– Thirdly, a Festival of Families will be held on Saturday 25 August 2018 in Croke Park stadium in Dublin. This event will be a celebration of family, with music and cultural acts, within a prayerful and joyful atmosphere, during which personal stories of faith will be shared by families from each of the five continents; and,
– Fourthly, the Closing Mass for WMOF2018 which will involve hundreds of thousands of pilgrims from Ireland and from around the world congregating in the Phoenix Park in Dublin.
- Photographs from Monday’s photocall are available to media by contacting John McElroy00353 (0) 87 241 6985and[email protected].
- For media contact
– Brenda Drumm, Media and Communications Manager,World Meeting of Families +353 (0) 87 310 4444. See alsowww.worldmeeting2018.ie
– Annette O’Donnell, Director of Communications, Archdiocese of Dublin +353 (0) 87 814 3462
– Catholic Communications Office, Maynooth: Martin Long +353 (0) 86 172 7678 and Katie Crosby +353 (0) 86 862 3298