Archbishop Martin prayers for Burma at the liturgical reception in the Pro Cathedral

10 May 2008

10 May 2008

Archbishop Martin prayers for Burma at the liturgical reception in the Pro Cathedral

Words of welcome of Most Rev. Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin and Primate of Ireland, Pro-Cathedral, Dublin, 10 May 2008

Your Excellency, Archbishop Giuseppe Leanza:

It is a great joy for me to welcome you to this Cathedral Church of the Archdiocese of Dublin, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a Church steeped in the history of Catholicism in Dublin and indeed steeped in the history of our nation.

I welcome you in the name of the Archdiocese of Dublin, my Assistant Bishops and the Metropolitan Chapter, and indeed of the entire Christian community in Ireland. I greet the Auxiliary Bishop of Armagh, Bishop Gerard Clifford, representing Cardinal Sean Brady, Archbishop of Armagh and President of the Irish Episcopal Conference. I greet the representatives of the other Christian Churches and communities here in Dublin, where relations among the followers of Jesus Christ are thankfully warm and sincere.

I am pleased that the Minister for Finance, Mr Brian Lenihan, is here to represent the Government of Ireland. Commandant Michael Murray represents An Taoiseach and Councillor Eibhlin Byrne represents the Lord Mayor of Dublin. I greet the representatives of religious congregations, Catholic organizations and the many faithful who come here in huge numbers day be day to this, one of the most visited Churches in Ireland.

I greet you as the representative of Pope Benedict XVI, called to preside over the Church in charity. As you entered the Church, you will have seen the list of the 50 Bishops and Archbishop of Dublin who, in full communion with the See of Rome, have presided over this Church in Dublin since 1152, among them the Co-Patron of the Diocese, Saint Laurence O’Toole. Our link with the person of the Pope and with the See of Rome, the Holy See, has been and still is a vital factor in the life of the Catholic community in Ireland.

We greet you and we pray that through your mission you will help deepen that bond of faith and charity which links us through the Pope with the fellowship of the Churches around the world. We pray that in your work with Irish government and civil society you will deepen the bond of collaboration between Ireland and the Holy See in its particular mission within the international community, as a sign of hope for all peoples.

Allow me, in that context, as we turn now to prayer, to make a special appeal today for prayers for the peoples of Myanmar. We pray that our sense of solidarity with them will bring them hope. We pray that the fruits of international solidarity may rapidly reach them and give them succour in their suffering.

Your Excellency, welcome to Ireland. May the Lord accompany you day by day in what I hope will be enjoyable, enriching and fruitful days of your ministry.