Digital Hub – Safeguarding

The National Board for Safeguarding Children in Ireland (NBSCCCI or NBSCCC) was established in 2006 in order to develop policies that would foster the prevention of child abuse in the Catholic Church in Ireland.

The functions of the NBSCCCI are set out in the Memorandum and Articles of Association, and apply to those who are constituent members. These functions can be broadly summarised into three categories:

  1. Advice and Support on all aspects of child safeguarding and case management within the Catholic Church in Ireland
  2. Development of policy, procedures and practice on all aspects of child safeguarding within the Catholic Church in Ireland
  3. Monitor child safeguarding practice of constituent members within the Catholic Church in Ireland

Our safeguarding guidance on the use of all forms of technology and social media is from the NBSCCI which is specifically addressed by them in Standard 1.9A ‘Guidance on the use of technology’. This is covered in the PDF below from page 109 onwards. 

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