Archdiocese of Armagh to celebrate life and legacy of Saint Brigid

23 Jan 2024

Caption Photo by the Archdiocese of Armagh

  • “Saint Brigid [is] a beacon of light for society today … Saint Brigid’s life was rooted in compassion and love”  

To coincide with the Feast of Saint Brigid, co-patron of Ireland, the Archdiocese of Armagh announces the commencement of a year-long celebration to mark the 1500th anniversary of the life and ministry of Saint Brigid on 1 February next.  Saint Brigid was born in the Archdiocese in the parish of Faughart in north Co Louth and her legacy and memory continues to provide inspiration and strength to people of faith today.
In a joint message to the people of the diocese, Archbishop Eamon Martin and Auxiliary Bishop Michael Router, spoke of their enthusiasm for the upcoming commemoration, describing Saint Brigid as a beacon of light for society today.  The planned activities during the year ahead aim at honouring the Christian faith and values embodied by Saint Brigid and will reflect on the significance they have today.  These values include spirituality, compassion, care for the poor, hospitality, care for the environment and the importance of education.
The year-long commemoration in the Archdiocese of Armagh will feature a series of faith-based events which are designed to inspire a new generation to engage with Saint Brigid and the faith she embraced.  Saint Brigid’s life was rooted in compassion and love and the Archdiocese of Armagh aims to ensure that the light that she brought to this land will continues to shine brightly and be an example to individuals and communities to create a better world.
Archbishop Martin and Bishop Router invite the public to join in this celebration of Saint Brigid, expressing their hope that the festivities will deepen their understanding of who Saint Brigid was and reignite the Christian faith she did so much to establish and nurture during her lifetime.

Notes for Editors