Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan welcomes Pope Francis’ appointment of Monsignor Séamus Horgan as new Apostolic Nuncio to South Sudan

15 May 2024

Monsignor Séamus Horgan greeting Pope Francis in Saint Peter’s Square, Vatican City

I was delighted to hear that my classmate, Monsignor Séamus Horgan, has been appointed as Papal Nuncio to South Sudan.  Monsignor Séamus was ordained the same year as myself in 1994 and therefore is celebrating 30 years of priesthood.  During that time, he gained significant pastoral experience before entering the diplomatic service, where he held diverse appointments in Kampala, Berne, Manila, Rome, and Washington
Monsignor Séamus has a great sense of humour, which will stand him in good stead in the challenges of being a Nuncio in South Sudan, but there will also be many opportunities to represent the Holy Father, the Church and the saving message of the Lord Jesus. 
I wish Monsignor Séamus every good wish, blessing and congratulations as he takes on this appointment. 


  • Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan is Bishop of Waterford and Lismore