Temperance Sunday 2008: Prayers of the Faithful

09 Jul 2009

3 February 2008

Theme: Living Faith Fully

In the Church, God has made known to us his hidden purpose: to make all things one in Christ.
Let us pray that his will may be done.

We give you thanks for the presence and power of your Spirit in the Church: –
give us the will to search for unity, and inspire us to pray and work together.
Lord hear us

Your people have known the ravages of war and hatred: – grant that they may know the peace left by your Son.
Lord hear us

We pray for moderation in our eating and in our drinking: – help us not to abuse these gifts and to realise that our deepest hungers are satisfied by you alone.
Lord hear us

For our parish, that we continue to invite young men and women in our midst to share their gifts and energy with the Church.
Lord hear us

Welcome all who have died in your peace (especially those we remember at this Mass (…………………..). Bring them to everlasting life with our Lady and with all the saints.
Lord hear us

Almighty, ever-living God, through Christ your Son you made of us a new creation.
Shape us, then, in his likeness, since in him our human nature now lives with you.
(We make our prayer) through Christ our Lord. Amen.