Season of Advent
Today is the Third Sunday of Advent. Advent is the four-week season before Christmas during which we prepare for the coming of Christ. The word Advent comes from the Latin word adventus, which means “coming”. The season of Advent is a time of waiting, conversion and of hope, which has a twofold character as:
- A time of preparation for the Solemnities of the Christmas season, in which the first coming of the Son of God to humanity is remembered; and,
- A time when – by remembrance of this – our minds and hearts look forward to the Second Coming of Christ at the end of time.
For these two reasons, Advent is a period of devout and expectant delight.
Our digital Advent calendar is a helpful resource for our ‘journey’ towards Christmas. Each day, by clicking on a virtual door, we are inviting you to take a few minutes to avail of our resources to rediscover the true meaning of Advent and Christmas.
Advent reflection from Archbishop Francis Duffy of Tuam
The Advent Wreath on the Third Sunday of Advent – Gaudete Sunday
Gaudete Sunday is the Third Sunday of Advent. Like Lent, Advent is a penitential season, so the priest normally wears purple vestments.
But on Gaudete Sunday, having passed the midpoint of Advent, the Church lightens the mood a little, and the priest may wear rose vestments.
The change in color provides us with encouragement to continue our spiritual preparation – especially prayer and fasting – for Christmas.
For this same reason, the third candle of the Advent wreath, lit today, Gaudete Sunday, is traditionally rose-coloured.
Our Prayer Intention for the Day to Pray Together as a Family
We pray for all parents and teachers;
that they may help the new generation to grow
in faith and love.
We pray for all those who work to care for the sick;
doctors, nurses, carers, those who work in hospitals
and hospices and all who offer support and care to families
in times of illness.
Kids’ Corner!
Each day of Advent you will find fun activities for children to enjoy and learn more about the Season of Advent! Print out this Christmas card and colour it in however you like to give it to someone special!
To print: click on the link below to open a new page, then select “print” to print out the page for colouring.