Temperance Sunday 2008: Liturgical Notes in Ireland

3 February 2008 Theme: Living Faith FullyRéamhráIn irisí agus nuachtáin airithe, ó am go ham, bíonn liostaí le seiceáil féachaint an bhfuilimid níos fearr nó níos measa ná daoine eile i gnéithe éagsúla dár saol nó an bhfuilimid ar chómh-chaighdeán leo. Nuair a scríobh...

Temperance Sunday 2008: Reflection after Communion

3 February 2008 Theme: Living Faith Fully One of the following may be used as a reflection after Communion:1. Archbishop Oscar RomeroIt helps now and then to step back and take the long view.The Kingdom is not only beyond our efforts, it is even beyond our vision.We...

Temperance Sunday 2008: Liturgy of the Word

3 February 2008FIRST READINGA reading from the prophet Zephaniah 2:3; 3:12-13Seek the Lordall you, the humble of the earth,who obey his commands.Seek integrity,seek humility:you may perhaps find shelteron the day of the anger of the Lord.In your midst I will leavea...

Temperance Sunday 2008: Introductory Note for Mass

3 February 2008 Theme: Living Faith Fully The Irish Bishops have designated today as Temperance Sunday and this year it marks the end of Catholic Education Week. Catholic Education Week has been celebrated in the North of Ireland since 2007.‘What a great legacy and...