Writings of Father Jon Sobrino SJ

Notification from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the writings of Father Jon Sobrino SJ – PDF version of the text ( 401 Kb) The text is in PDF Format – Adobe Acrobat Reader needed to view it Get Adobe Acrobat...

Report on Irish Prisoners Abroad

A report prepared by Mr Chris Flood for the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr Dermot Ahern TD May 2007 | Department of Foreign Affairs Download pdf version from Department of Foreign Affairs website Get Adobe Acrobat Reader

Alcohol: the Challenge of Moderation

Pastoral Letter: Temperance Sunday and Lent 2007 (available in English, Irish and Polish) 18 February 2007 | Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference Alcohol: The Challenge of Moderation – PDF version of the text (154kb) An tAlcól Dúshlán na Measartlachta...