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World Communications Day 2009

Pope Benedict's message for the 43rd World Communications Day, introduced by Bishop Joseph Duffy in a short video interview, includes the announcement of a new Vatican Channel on YouTube. 43rd World Day of Communications Pope Benedict XVI's message for the 43rd World...

Feature 15 May 2009 | Remembering the Irish Famine

Bishops' statement welcoming the National Famine Commemoration Day on 17 May remembers the past and reflects on hunger and famine today. Liturgy notes, information for parishes and the 1995 pastoral letter Remembering the Irish Famine available here. Statement from...

Feature 1 May 2009 | Lough Derg – Place of Pilgrimage

Lough Derg, one of the oldest pilgrimage sites in Europe, offers an exciting programme of events for 2009. More details here, as well as an interview with Bishop Joseph Duffy, Bishop of Clogher, about Lough Derg. Video introduction In this short video interview,...