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The Meaning of Marriage Newsletters

  Please click below for archive copies of The Meaning of Marriage newsletter: Issue 7: Meaning of Marriage Newsletter Issue 7 3 May 2015 Issue 6: Meaning of Marriage Newsletter Issue 6 26 April 2015 Issue 5: Meaning of Marriage Newsletter Issue 5 19 April 2015 Issue...

Christ is risen, alleluia!

  Christ is risen, alleluia! This is the ancient Christian greeting on this day of great joy and happiness for all. 'Easter is not simply one feast among others, but the 'Feast of feasts'. The mystery of the Resurrection in which Christ crushed death, permeates...

Holy Week and Easter 2015

Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday with the Lord's Passion. The commemoration of the entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem is celebrated with a solemn procession. The palms or branches are blessed and should be taken home where they will serve as a reminder of the victory...