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Issue 5 of Choose Life 2013 Newsletter

Since the 22 May 2013 the Catholic Communications Office has been circulating a weekly bulletin for parishioners, parish newsletters and websites with information promoting the Church’s position on the sanctity of unborn human life. The newsletter headings this week...

Choose Life Newsletter Issue 4

Since the 22 May 2013 the Catholic Communications Office has been circulating a weekly bulletin for parishioners, parish newsletters and websites with information promoting the Church’s position on the sanctity of unborn human life. The newsletter headings this week...

Choose Life 2013 Newsletter Issue 3

Since the 22 May 2013 the Catholic Communications Office has been circulating a weekly bulletin for parishioners, parish newsletters and websites with information promoting the Church’s position on the sanctity of unborn human life. The newsletter headings are as...

Prayer for students sitting examinations

  In Saint Luke's Gospel we read: Three days later, they found him in the Temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them, and asking them questions; and all those who heard him were astounded at his intelligence and his replies. Luke 2:46-48 Let us pray...