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Prayers for Boston

At this time of mourning the Holy Father prays that all Bostonians will be united in a resolve not to be overcome by evil, but to combat evil with good (cf. Rom 12:21), working together to build an ever more just, free and secure society for generations yet to come.

Holy Week and Easter 2013

We celebrate the joy of Our Lord’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday, 31 March. Please see above a video reflection on Holy Week by Monsignor Eamon Martin, Diocesan Administrator of the Diocese of Derry.   Details of  liturgies from the Vatican; homilies, reflections and...

The Conclave to elect the 266th Pope

  The Conclave to elect the 266th Pope begins today (Tuesday 12 March 2013) in Rome. Below is the timetable released by the Vatican Press Office for the first two days of the Conclave. We will update this if necessary for Thursday 14 March. Tuesday, 12 March,...

Emigrant Information Pack 2013

The Irish Episcopal Council for Emigrants (IECE) has published an Emigrant Information Pack for 2013. The Information Pack aims to assist parishes and dioceses in raising awareness about the issues affecting emigrants and to ask for the prayers and support of parishioners.