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Day for Life 2012: Choose Life!

‘Choose Life!’ is the theme for this year’s Day for Life message in Ireland on 7 October. It promotes respect for human life from the moment of conception. For 2012, the Day for Life also marks the beginning of a special Month of Prayer dedicated to the theme ‘Choose Life!’ and which concludes on the Feast of All the Saints of Ireland (6 November).

100 Days for Global Solidarity

Join Trócaire on 29 September in St Teresa’s Clarendon St, Dublin to reflect on how being ‘In Communion with Christ and with one another’ calls us to be in real solidaity with our brothers and sisters in the developing world.

Armagh Diocese launches Vocations DVD

An innovative project by the Armagh Diocesan Vocations Team addresses the diverse and different roles of lay people in their local parishes, according to their calling in life. The multi-media initiative, including an insightful DVD, looks at the meaning of the word ‘Vocations’ within the Church.