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Temperance Sunday

Sunday 19 February was a Day of Prayer for Temperance, we reflect on our relationship with alcohol and pray for those who suffer from addiction.

Caring for Health in Ireland

Caring for Health in Ireland is a response to the health care reform outlined in the current Programme for Government. Our response is inspired by key principles from Catholic social teaching – human dignity, the common good, participation, solidarity and subsidiarity. From the health perspective, issues analysed by Caring for Healthcare in Ireland include the current public health consultation, the proposed Universal Health Insurance scheme and related changes to the structure of the hospital system; mental health services; disability; older people; and palliative care.

National Parish Youth Conference

Bishop Kieran O’Reilly and Dublin footballer Ger Brennan will address the National Parish Youth Conference which is being held in Tullamore on 25 February. The theme of this year’s Conference is ‘Our Faith, Let’s Celebrate!’ and it is aimed at young people between the ages of 12 and 18.

Advent and Christmas 2011

Over the coming weeks, to celebrate Advent and Christmas 2012, will bring you seasonal information and messages from Irish Bishops and dioceses, and from agencies of the Bishops’ Conference.