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Welcoming the New Missal

From the 27 November 2011, the first Sunday of Advent, congregations and priests will use the text of the new edition of the Roman Missal for the celebration of Mass. A number of resources, including videos, are available to help explain the changes to members of the Church.

Glossary of words and phrases from New Missal

A glossary of the new words and phrases used in the congregational prayers and responses. The glossary is taken from a current Intercom article by Father Patrick Jones, Director of the National Centre for Liturgy at St Patrick’s College, Maynooth:

Day for Life 2011

On Sunday, 2 October, the Catholic Church in Ireland celebrates Day for Life. In the video, Bishop John Fleming, Bishop of Killala, talks about Day for Life and the theme chosen for 2011: A call to solidarity and hope in difficult times.